Willian Barnhart, Fourth residence

Willian Barnhart from Arizona USA, residencie May – June 2023

Residency project about drypoint on plastic plates and monoprints; printed on chine collé colored papers

William Barnhart

Elizabeth MacAlpin artist resident

Elizabeth MacAlpin artist resident from New York USA, May June 2023 residency

Residency project about Printing on the surface of cut mobile plates, combined with monotypes; printing a large size papers

Elizabeth MacAlpin

Leslie Koptcho second residency

Leslie Koptcho artist resident from Louisiana, United Stated

Project residency soft ground etching and photopolymers photogravure printed with water colors monotype and china collé.

Leslie Koptcho

Beth Grabowski

Beth Grabowski artist resident from North Carolina, United States; residency April May 2023

Residency about making a photoetching photopolymers plates and aquatint plates, multiplates printing

Beth Grabowski