Jo de Pear

J o de Pear, artist resident from England, residency July 2024

Residence about Mokulito course, collagraph monoprints. Mokulito taught by Ariadna Abadal.

Christina Simon

Christina Simon from Germany, residency July – August

Carborundum collagraph individual course

Christina Simon

Stacy Frank artist resident

Stacy Frank from California USA, residency June 2023

Collagraph on plastic course, teaching Jordi Rosés

Stacy Frank

Ioulia Akhmadeeva artist resident

Ioulia Akhmadeeva artist resident from Mexico, residency June 2023

Carborundum collagraph individual course, Jordi Roses teaching.

Residency project about making large size collagraph plates and prints (124x350cm) with chine collé

Ioulia Akhmadeeva

Wayne Stoner

Wayne Stoner artist resident from United Estates

Residency, september 2022

Residency about collograph on carboard

Marlene Moris 2022

Marlene Moris artist resident from France, Eighth Time Residence

Residence August September 2022

Project about carborundum collagraph on plastic; multiplate printing

Marlene Moris

Judy Attwood artist resident

Judy Attwood from Greece, residence february 2022

Collagraph on plastic plate imdividual course, Jordi Rosés teacher.

Residence Project: Collagraph printing with chine collé and make a hard ground and aquatint etching copper plate .

Judy Attwood

Pauline kinahan kane

Pauline kinahan kane

Artist resident from Ireland, August, Setember 2021

Individual course about Collagraph and Carborundum on carboard, teaching Ariadna Abadal

Individual course of Artist books teaching Jordi Rosés

Collagraph plates and prints

Artist book course and book project

Juan Andrés Martín

From Barcelona

Collagraph, carborundum and drypoint on plastic plates individual course; teaching Jordi Rosés

May 2021

Collagraph, carborundum and drypoint Course