Judith Funke artist resident from Germany, residencie November 2023
Residence about Aquatint course (aquatint basic), sugar lift, spit bite and etching hard ground, teaching Jordi Rosés.

Judith Funke

Judith Funke artist resident from Germany, residencie November 2023
Residence about Aquatint course (aquatint basic), sugar lift, spit bite and etching hard ground, teaching Jordi Rosés.
Judith Funke
Mei Sheong Wong from Australia, residency April to June 2023
Project making etching and aquatint plates
Mei Sheong Wongo
Eithne Moran artist resident from Ireland; April 2023
Residency. Line drawing etching individual course
Eithne Moran
Tad Mike artist in residence from USA
Residence February September May 2020
Etching and Pastel Drawing, wartercolor on paper
Tad Mike printmaker
Anna MacDowell artist residency from United Kingdom
Residency: March 2020
Project: solar plate printing
Anna MacDowell
Artists resident; november 2019
Residency about making drypoint on aluminium plate and printing on Japan paper
Jenny Robinson
Jenny Robinson artists resident june 2019
Working on large size of aluminium plate; with drypoint techniques
Georgina Fay, Sarah Cleary, Claire Norton, Hannah James from England one week in the residence; april 2019
Project: monoprint, photogravure, etching, aquatint and sofground