Nadia Gourdin artist resident 2023

Nadia Gourdin artist resident 2023 from France

Residency about hard ground etching and aquatint on copper plates

Nadia Gourdin

Susanne Müller-Kölmel

Susanne Müller-Kölmel artist resident from Germany, residencie November 2023

Residence about Aquatint course (aquatint basic), sugar lift, spit bite  and etching hard ground, teaching Jordi Rosés.

Susanne Müller-Kölmel

Vanessa Hall 

Vanessa Hall  artist resident from Antigua and Barbuda, October 2023

Rseidency project Intaglio etching for beginners course teaching Jordi Rosés and Photopolymers  course teaching Ariadna Abadal.

Vanessa Hall 

Marie-Claude Morel 2023

Marie-Claude Morel from France; sixth times residency

Residency October 2023

Residencie about Mokulito individual course and Electroetching individual course; teaching Ariadna Abadal

Marie-Claude Morel

Fernanda Álvarez

Fernanda Álvarez artist resident from Spain, residency October 2023.

Residence about making a etching project, and participating in a Mokulito course.

Fernanda Álvarez

Dora Ferrero-Melgar

Dora Ferrero-Melgar artist resident from Spain, residency October 2023.

Residence about making a woodcut large-size plate, etching project, and participating in a Mokulito course.

Dora Ferrero Melgar

Teodora Jurcyte residence

Teodora Jurcyte is an artist from Lithuania, participating in a residency program starting in September 2023. Her project involves creating large-sized sugar lift and hard ground etching plates, and printing them on Hahnemühle paper measuring 124×160 cm.

Video of your residence



Teodora Jurcyte