Marta Kubiak

Marta Kubiak from Poland, Second time’s residence, september 2022

Residence about photopolimers individual course

Marta Kubiak

Hannah Jones, part 1

Hannah Jones artist resident from United Kingdom

Third time residency, september 2022

Mokulito individual course

Hannah Jones

Magdalena Arguelles

Magdalena Arguelles artist residence from USA, February 2022

Mokulito individual course

Residence project: Mokulito and monoprint works

Magdalena Arguelles

Angela Matera – chapter 2

Resident artist from Sicily Italy

Residence november 2021

Individual course of Mokulito teacher Ariadna Abadal,

Residence project  relief print and mokulito with chine collé

Angela Matera

Angela Matera – chapter 1

Resident artist from Sicily Italy

Residence november 2021

Individual course of Mokulito teacher Ariadna Abadal,

Residence project  relief print and mokulito with chine collé

Angela Matera

Shivangi Ladha – chapter 2

Shivangi Ladha artist resident From Delhi India

November 2021

Individual course of artist book, teacher Jordi Rosés and Mokulito teacher Ariadna Abadal,

Residence project Etching, aquatint, soft ground and photoetching for artist book

Shivangi Ladha

Shivangi Ladha – chapter 1

Shivangi Ladha artist resident From Delhi India

November 2021

Individual course of artist book, teacher Jordi Rosés and Mokulito teacher Ariadna Abadal,

Residence project Etching, aquatint, soft ground and photoetching for artist book

Shivangi Ladha

Artist resident Marie-Claude Morel 2021

Marie-Claude Benoiste Morel from France; fourth time residencie; setembre 2021

Artist’s book individual course

Artist book project about hard ground etching, aquatint, open bite etching and photo intaglio texts

Marie Claude Benoiste Morel