Elly Prestegård from Facebook

24 february 2017
Four weeks residency is over. Cannot believe how quickly time has passed. It has been a fantastic stay, thanks to Ariadna Abadal , Jordi Rosés Pou and Claudia Clàudia Lloret at Art Print Residence. I am grateful for all the support and cannot wait to return.

3 march 2017

Where do I start? I could start with the studio where everything is perfectly organized down to the smallest detail. The wonderful huge press is a printmakers dream, and the collection of tools is a real Sarepta´s jar. Every singel tool has it´s own place, and is so well kept. Such a joy to play around with, exploring the possibilities of printmaking. And if you have a special need, be sure Jordi has a tool for that as well. This is a place where a long career in printmaking experience is concentrated, and problem solving is a natural part of life. Also the health concern, working in a non toxic environment, is of greatest importance. After one month in residency my first thought is “how quickly can I go back?” Thank you Jordi, Claudia and Ariadna for the support, for being such great hosts for the stay. Your enthusiasm is unique.